Goodbye 2024 and hello 2025.
What a year. What. A. Year.
And we're just going to dust our hands of it and keep on moving forward. Why? Because we've all had our shares of ups and downs. We've all gone through our reflections, achievements, and losses. And with or without the people we love, we all saw that clock strike 12 a.m. for the new year (or will, depending on when I post this).
Life's hard. But we're doing it all over again. Another second. Another day. Another year.
So what's the plan now?
I don't know about you, but I'm just trying to survive. It's crazy out there guys. At the end of the day, when the world's falling apart, I'm just trying to make sure I have enough to make it to the end of each week. The bar's low because who has it in them to jump that high right now? Certainly not me. At least not right now.
That being said! A lot of good things did happen in 2024 and I won't discredit them and I hope nothing but the best for 2025 because lord knows I (we all) need it. However, I think the biggest take away from this little reflective blog for 2025 and the years that follow would be:
Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone's highlight reels.
The way YOU get from A to B will be different than the next person. Some people are still trying to get to that "B". Some, even had to start back from step one ten plus times just to get where they are today. Point being, this life thing takes time and a hell of a lot of patience mixed with hard work. Sometimes it feels like it doesn't matter or that there's not point in it all, but that's when you have to remind yourself (and I'm talking to me too here) that just because you see other people's success doesn't mean that your work isn't for naught. We get there when we get there, with gritted teeth and calloused hands, through hell and high water - it's all 10% luck, 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will- yeah you know how that one song goes.
Anyway, ramblings aside, here's some things I want to focus on in the new year:
It Ends with Z - My Novel/la about the God of Chaos needing a break from being everyone's punching bag is in it's final re-editing stages. That'll be (re)published through WildStar Press.
More Short Stories - I started making a flash fiction a month for this blog here, but I'm thinking of creating some short works, maybe 10-50k words, maybe start selling them, you know. Short stories. But we'll see when I figure out the appeal there. Or I'll stick with the flash fictions. Who knows.
More Scripts - I want to collaborate with more artists to get scripts drawn! I want my work to be out there and seen by the people. Being a writer alone means it's a little harder for me to just share my work and grab people's attention. Comics are a visual medium as much as they are a written one.
New writing, new editing. The works. And this may sound like a bit of a contradiction to the prior goal of survival and setting the bar low, but you misunderstand. These aren't goals that HAVE to be achieved to the letter. No. If I start it, if I finish it, if I even plan it out to make it actionable - no matter the step, I still think it's an accomplishment. You know why?
Doing something is better than doing nothing.
Even the littlest step made towards progress is bigger than stagnation. And really, that's just the sum up of the goal:
Don't be stagnant.
So. See you in 2025. Hope you accomplish your goals and if you don't have any, well, hope that your year is still just as restful and productive how you see fit.
Me? I'll be over here trying to accomplish the same.
See you in the stars.